Ello! Now for contest number 3! Best short story or writing sample. The winner was chosen at random as the other judge was being stubborn and wouldn't read the entries on the computer. Any way, the winner is..*drum roll*.. Journee!


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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Contest choices

So if you read the stuff at the top of the page in blue letters then you'll know I'm doing a contest. Here are the pictures you can chose from! FYI this is just an edit of the post with the choices from my last contest so all the comments are still there. Sorry that some of them are sidewards.


Journee said...

Quinn: Sweet. Is there a time limit? I'll get started right now. :) And you know my email and first name. ;) I'll email you mine soon. And I'll ask my sisters if they want to be in this. And my mom. And... Anyone else i can.

Kay Broach said...

cool and i put all the info up at the top of my blog in the blue letters

Sam I Am said...

Quinn: Yeah i saw it. But i didn't see a deadline unless you edited it.

Journee said...

Quinn: OH! I see the time thinky now! Duh. :-\

Kay Broach said...

lol yea i edited it cuz i forgot to include that stuff

Journee said...

Quinn: AH! So i was right!!! Mwahaahahaahahah!!!

Kay Broach said...

lol yea part of the reason i forgot is cuz i didnt know yet

Journee said...

Quinn: Sure...

Journee said...

QUinn: Btw Willow is in your contest too!

Kay Broach said...

Yea i dont know why i didnt put that up when i put up Indy and Rose

Journee said...

Quinn: Lol. Yay Indy for winning!!! I'll tell her about the prize.