Ello! Now for contest number 3! Best short story or writing sample. The winner was chosen at random as the other judge was being stubborn and wouldn't read the entries on the computer. Any way, the winner is..*drum roll*.. Journee!


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Thursday, June 30, 2011

I know!

I know i havent posted in forever. Here's some stuff from my rpg chars. first from Loki's point of view then from Keo's

Loki here! Things now are so cool...almost. It all started after me stealing some food from a market. I was resting outside of it trying to catch my breath when I saw three people. An Edina girl with an Itera boy, a cute boy, and a young dragon boy who they had named Alex. I joined their little group trying to stir up trouble but it wasn't to be. Not my fault some freaky ninja girl killed Zelia. After that I spent most of my time either clinging to the guy, Ike or playing with Alex until this friend of Ike's joined. Hope her name is. I don't really like her. She's bossy and thinks the group belongs to her. Well her and Ike. He's become more bossy so I don't really like him much anymore but I'll still do anything for him. I can't helpit but he's to cute for his own good. Not long after little miss bossy took over that an Imp named Genieve joined our group. She was awesome! When she first got there only I could understand her so we set up a prank on Ike using a sleeping potion I had. It was funny. While they were dealing with him I stuck off to find the Intera tribe Ike had come from since Hope said it was nearby. I found it and stole some food. While there I heard someone outside the tent. I was about to freak but I saw it was Ike so I set my bag down and jumped on his back and made a big deal out of him being worried about me. He hated it! We got back to Hope's home thing and did nothing. The next day we started traveling again. It felt good to be on the road again. We traveled all over the place. One dat however me and Ike were talking about Zelia and family. He went in before I did because I didn't want to be found. I ran away...again. I'm good at that. I ran away from my dad, the group and who knows who else. So I ran and got lost so I guess it's good that Genieve found me. We traveled to the beach. On the way we met to people, Mimic and Jayshadow. I don't really like Jay, he's mean. Oh well. We went on our way and found my dad. I got into a fight with him. Not like punching but yelling. After that we found my mom's grace. I didn't stay long before going back to the group. Ike was worried about me again and again I hugged him and made a big about it. After that we traveled more. We stopped in a town for a while. After that we camped near some other people. I snuck off to see if they had anything worth stealing. I never found out if there was anything worth stealing. I kinda found my sister. Well she's not really my sister. She's a naiad demigod and is only related to me by law. She came back to the group with me...and a guy named Tidus. He kinda caught me snooping around. Before he could do anything though his camp blew up. Hope healed his friend Amber. So they came with us. However that night Genieve dissapeared. That made me sad. She was nice...normally. We stayed there for a few day. On the second day we met someone else. A girl, no a killer named Sharise. She's the one who killed Zelia but she wanted to be forgiven. I didn't, I couldn't. So I ran, again. I later found out Ike and Sharise had spent hours looking for me but I was gone. While I was gona Tidus and Amber left. I had found two people who were traveling. Devno and Kira. I became good friends with them real quick. Devon went for a walk where he met Ike and some girl I don't know named Echo. For the next while the 3 of us talked until Kira said she was gonna go find the group. Well she found them and her cousin Triage. He seems okay I guess. I've never really talked to him though. He;s now traveling with us. When we got back to the group we didn't stay long. The next while is kinda jumbled up. Ike part of his memory and has scars on his neck. Alex went missing and Sharise nearly killed Keo. Once Keo was fine, Sharise gone and Ike back to normal we got moving. I didn't want to though because if Alex came back we wouldn't be there. I was however over ruled by little miss bossy Hope and Ike. I think before Ike was banished those two were a couple or something cause they always agree and are together. We were walking along a path Ike found when we heard something. Turns out Alex was running from something. Whatever it was he ran past Ike and to me. That was good. Means he likes me. We never did find out what he was running from but I was just glad to have him back. Soon after that we found an abondoned city. In it we met a boy who was probably older than Ike and he told us Alex's real name is Gauge and he is Mike. We found him being chased by some freaky guy who wanted his stuff. Well Ike wouldn't let him have Mike's stuff so the freak ripped out Ike's horns. I went after him but only got myself lost...again. Ike and Kira found me and as you can guess I hugged him and made a big deal about it. We went back to the group and found someplace to get out of the rain but ended up getting shot at. That's when Sharise came back and killed the people who were shooting at us.

Well I was just in a market looking at a doll I wanted when my dad, well step dad came up to me and pointed out a girl with long black hair and white highlights. He told me to follow her and that she's my sister. I did so cause I didn't want to get in trouble. I followed her and the group she was in. I didn't see why I was but dad had told me to because he wanted to talk to her again so I guess he wanted me to convince her to go home. There was another group of people camped nearby so I was able to hide there. That night she snuck into the camp trying to steal something but instead found me. The more time I spent around her the more I wanted to be like her and more importantly my real dad. It's kinda weird though calling her Loki (that's what she changed her name to after she ran away) cause my dad is the Norse god Loki. So anyway I stayed with that group even when Loki ran away because some girl named Sharise joined the group and I think it's my fault. I'm the one who convinced Ike (the leader of the group) to let her stay. Gosh I made thing so much worse just by doing that. Loki ran away and I got into a fight with Ike and he left for a bit and got hurt then three other people just kinda appeared out of nowhere. It was all confusing because I was left with Sharise. I was mad at everything so when she tried to comfort me I kinda attacked her and it almost cost me my life. When I woke up Sharise was gone and Hope, Ike and Loki were standing over me. Once I was up to date on everything, including Alex being gone (I'd been playing with him while Loki was gone like she had) we left and kept traveling. After who knows how long Alex found us again and went strait to Loki. YAY FOR HIM!!!! So we traveled more until we found a city. It was empty except for a guy named Mike and some freaks, including Sharise. Ike was about to kill her but I stopped him because he didn't know that I had lashed out at her.